This move isn't permanent by any means, however it feels very much that way. It was the same feeling I had when I went off to college. A form of temporary relocation that put me in an exciting new world and in a way this new job is the same. I'm, temporarily, leaving a home that I'm comfortable in, friends that I love very much and a way of life that I've grown accustomed too. All for a new view, a new experience with volumes of lessons to be learned and a new set of adventures to tell people about when I return. But there is still a long road before I get to the end of this chapter. There's still the good byes, the period of home sickness and the tiniest bit of regret for leaving my team.
I had a going away last night that, I have to admit, made me a little misty eyed. Friends that I've made throughout my life, stretching all the way back to elementary school and well into my career, all coming together to say good bye and good luck. I'm glad I had the opportunity to see everyone and realize how important all the people in my life are to my life. This was the first time that I've wanted the days to drag on so I'd have the opportunity to see one more person and cram in one more lunch or dinner.
Since time keeps trucking along, the point has come for me to jump into the darkness and see how much adventure I'm willing to handle. My desk is cleaned out, my clothes are packed and I'm ready to get going.
Jeff, I wish you nothing but the best. Have fun, be safe, and watch out for the desert mosquitoes :).