Thursday, April 1, 2010

Randomly Assorted Candy

You know how all those people who have these near death experiences say that their lives flashed before their eyes? Imagine, in an instant the prior 10, 20, 30 years flip away like an animation in your head. Wouldn’t it be cool to see some of those memories again, even those that you can’t consciously remember?

Somehow on our way out of the dining facility tonight we got on this subject and it kind of stuck in my head. It got me to thinking, how entertaining those last moments of my life would be? Would it be something I’d want to watch or would I just want it to be over with? I’ve never walked out on a movie, then again I’ve never gone to a movie I didn’t want to see, but would I want to walk out on my own near death experience? I should certainly hope not.

I think I’ve based my choices in life on story type experiences. Adventures through Europe, marathons, multiple road trips around the US and of course this little jaunt to the Middle East. I think it would be interesting to revisit those experiences in an unexaggerated form, as I usually add a little pizzazz to my stories. It’s kind of like how Emeril adds a little something to all his dishes… BAM! I guess exaggeration is to stories as spices are to food.

I’d hope during those few seconds that some memories that I don’t consciously remember will sprout back up. I wonder if they would only be good memories to help calm the brain or if memories are chosen at random. If it is random I hope it’s not like getting a box of Runts with more bananas than cherries.

You know you’re excited to get a box of Runts but then you want specific Runts. It’s one of those unanswered questions. Will my near death experience be like a box of Runts with more banana than cherry? I certainly hope not, I really like cherry Runts and I really don’t particularly like banana, but I guess you get what Willy Wonka gives you.

Of course you can substitute whatever box of candy you want, from whatever manufacturer so long as it’s randomly assorted. If I had my choice my near death experience would be a bag of Cherry Pull ‘n Peel Twizzlers.

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